Marilyn Monroe was an icon in the 50s and is regarded by many as one of the most beautiful women who ever lived. many other celebrities have tried to copy her over the years - but she remains the original and unique movies star that she was. Here are two sleepover invitations you might like to use if you're a Marylin fan.
If you'd like an activity to do during your Marilyn Monroe sleepover party - how's about this gorgeous Marilyn Monroe paper doll by Cory Jense? Cory is a very talented artist - he displays his work on Deviantart - here's the link to his page and here is his wonderful Marilyn paper doll.

A Marylin Monroe sleepover party can include a movie marathon of Marilyn movies, lookalike makeup and lots of pink and feather boas! Think 'Hollywood Glamour!' Here is a quick YouTube tutorial you and your friends might like to follow and copy - you might need to pausse it lots of times as you go... to achieve that classic Marilyn Monroe look at your sleepover party. Remember to take many photos!